2014 Workgroup Topic Proposals

Lets play lean startup

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We’ve got two days to validate a business model for a new company that we have created out of the ether of beer, sweat and BBQ.

We will identify our target customers, understand what they’re bitching about, and propose what we’re going to do about it & blow their socks off. We’ll run experiments on other groups (our target customers) to validate the hypotheses of our model.  We’ll iterate, and pivot and all that good stuff. And when our model is complete, we will be ready to put a dent in the universe and make a ton of cash.  Yeehaw!

With some sincerity, this topic is really about tech and business, not just tech.  I’ve heard as many grumblings about business and politics at BBQ as I have about tech problems.  Like Love and Marriage, you can’t have one without the other.  So, what if we set out to solve some business problems?